Laravel Valet 502 bad gateway - upstream sent too big header

Got a 502 bad gateway error? First, check the Nginx logs located in ~/.config/valet/Log/nginx-error.log The last error reveals an error that regards too big headers. By default the Nginx...

Chrome Dev tools snippets

Better logging Instead of console.log use console.table Set a breakpoint in code. debugger Debug a page redirect or reload window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function() { debugger;...

Setup Xdebug with PHP7.2, PHPStorm and Laravel Valet

There is a newer post for PHP7.4, Xdebug3 and PHPStorm 2020.3 here This walkthru assumes that you have Laravel Valet, PHP7.2 installed. If not, follow these instructions:

A clone saved my day

When moving to a new computer the last thing I do, after moving all the necessary files, is to make a disk image of the entire computer. I will keep...

Quicklook and syntax highlighting

You can add syntax highlighting to macOS QuickLook and get nice previews of JSON and PHP-files. To install the Quicklook plugin for for code highlighting. Make sure you have...