Why not rewrite your app?

It’s tempting to rewrite the app from scratch, especially now when we know all the features. However, there are risks associated with starting over with a new codebase, even if...

Your most changed file

A little fun for cloudy summer days. The theory is to find files in your project that have the most changes. Could this class or file be refactored to be...

Laravel Forge Menubar for macOS and iOS

Laravel Forge is a tool for deploying and configuring web applications. I use Forge on a daily basis for out projects at Moln8. Forge is a great service and...

Laravel Forge, where are the rewrite rules?

If you are using Laravel Forge and want to have a debug at a site’s rewrite rules, this is their location: /etc/nginx/forge-conf/mysite.com/server/redirect_rules.conf Notes Don’t change them manually;...

Nginx rewrite rules and match only beginning of string

A nice little gotcha. Often when you write Nginx rules, you forget that it matches everything in the string. Imagine if you want this redirect /product-a -> /category-1/product-a