Eloquent, Postgres, UUIDs and not getting id's back

Postgres has an excellent column type for using UUIDs as primary keys. The UUIDs are generated default by Postgres.

There is a small caveat working with UUIDs as primary keys and Laravel. Most tutorials go for this setup where you define $keytype = 'string and $incrementing = false in your model. But there is a problem with this:

    class Site extends Model
        protected $keyType = 'string'; // Pgsql's UUIDs are used instead
        public $incrementing = false; // UUIDs are not incrementing, turn it off
        // ...

    $site = Site::create([...]);
    $site->id; // null?

However, if we remove $incrementing (which is true by default), it’s working as expected.

    class Site extends Model
        protected $keyType = 'string'; 
        // ...

    $site = Site::create([...]);
    $site->id; // 247c5acf-51ba-457f-8265-ef21b4cf4358