Apple discontinues AirPort

Apple is officially exiting the wireless router business and selling off its remaining inventory of AirPort products. This includes the AirPort Express, AirPort Extreme, and both models of AirPort Time Capsule.

Even if this is not a big surprise, it’s a disappointment. I have a TimeCapsule running in my office for TimeMachine backups and as a printer server, and it has been working since 2012. Only a few restarts and one re-formatting of the disk during these years.

What are the options? Ubiquiti or Eero seems to be the most popular ones.

If, for some reason, you’ve waited until this moment to find an alternative to Apple’s AirPort routers:

- A full Ubiquiti setup if you want to fully nerd out, spend some time on it, and can bring Ethernet to the APs

- Eero for everyone else</p>— Marco Arment (@marcoarment)


Eero seems not be available in Europe. Recommended by for most is Google Wifi. Seems to work great.